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There are several tasks for you, as an Authorized User, to understand and do in order to manage your boxes stored at the State Records Center (SRC) appropriately. This includes:
The information you document and provide for each box sent to the SRC is very important. It is used to determine how long the box needs to be retained, how it will be handled at the end of its retention period, and how useful that description will be for unit staff throughout the box’s retention period.
Information about how to purchase boxes that can be used to send inventory to the SRC can be found on the UW Archives and Records Management website.
Even though your records are being stored offsite, your unit is still the official owner of those records. There are several recommended best practices for managing your unit’s records throughout its retention period.
Additional training for preparing and managing inventory and information about the various forms used to manage your inventory can be found on the Using the State Records Center for Offsite Storage webpage on the Records Management Program website.
Twice a year, the State Record Center (SRC) conducts a disposal (or disposition) of records. The SRC disposes of any records that are eligible for destruction or transfer to University Archives according to their records schedules. The disposition process is an important and necessary part of records management at UW-Madison.
During this process, the University Records Officer receives a report from the SRC. That report contains all of the UW-Madison inventory that is eligible for disposition. The Records Officer then will send out disposition reports to Authorized Users for each unit with eligible boxes. It is up to the Authorized Users to determine if records need to be held or can be destroyed or transferred to UW Archives.
Units must “Hold” records that are part of an open or pending records request, audit, or litigation process. Records also need to be held from disposition if they were stored under an incorrect records retention schedule or if corrections need to be made to the box’s information that would lengthen the time the box would be held.
Disposition reports are due back to the SRC within the month, so it is extremely important that you respond to the University Records Officer when you receive your list. Communication is especially important if there are any issues with your records.
Any records approved to be destroyed are confidentially destroyed at the SRC.
True or False: Once your department sends records to the State Records Center, it is no longer the responsibility of the department to manage them.