Lesson 4: Resources

How to Get Help

Library Resources

The Libraries can help you identify resources you can use to find sources for your literature review. You can consult with a librarian in your subject area to discuss the scope of your review and strategies for finding, evaluating, and keeping current with sources. Librarians are also available to consult in other areas of the research process, such as publishing and sharing your research, data management, and copyright.

Libraries staff welcome your questions and look forward to working with you!

Writing Center Resouces

The Writing Center can help you brainstorm, draft, and revise your literature review. Currently enrolled UW-Madison students can meet with a Writing Center instructor by scheduling an appointment online.

The Writing Center staff look forward to working with you!

Lesson Resources & Links

Lesson 1: What is a Literature Review

Lesson 2: Reviewing the Literature: Fundamental Research Skills

Lesson 3: Composing the Review: Fundamental Writing Skills